Hyperterminal for windows 7 icon download
Hyperterminal for windows 7 icon download

To enable your PC to communicate with the controller, set the COM port parameters to the M90 default settings:BPS 9600, Data bits=7, Parity=N, Stop bits=1, Flow control=None, and then click OK. The Port Settings box opens as shown below. Select the PC COM port that connects the PC to the controller, and then click OK.

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If the connection is in order, the controller replies with its ID if the connection is faulty, the controller will not reply.Įnter a name for the new connection and select an icon, and then click OK. Via Hyperterminal, you can check the PLC-PC communication connection by sending a simple text command, Get ID. If the PC port is defective or in use by another application, you may be unable to access a directly connected controller with your PC.

hyperterminal for windows 7 icon download

Using Hyperterminal to check PC-PLC direct communications Using Hyperterminal to check PC-PLC direct communications

Hyperterminal for windows 7 icon download